I’m a Wild Seed
by Sharon Lee De La Cruz
In this delightfully compelling full-color graphic memoir, the author shares her process of undoing the effects of a patriarchal, colonial society on her self-image, her sexuality, and her concept of freedom. Reflecting on the ways in which oppression was the cause for her late bloom into queerness, we are invited to discover people and things in the author’s life that helped shape and inform her LGBTQ identity. And we come to an understanding of her holistic definition of queerness.
Ages 16 years and up
Paperback | 96 pages | Street Noise Books | Feb. 2021
Sharon Lee De La Cruz is an artist and activist whose work ranges from comics, graffiti, and public art murals to interactive sculptures, animation and coding. She earned a BFA from The Cooper Union, is a Fulbright scholar, and obtained her master’s degree at NYU’s ITP program (Interactive Telecommunications Program). Sharon considers her work to be in the intersection of tech, art, and social justice. She lives in New York City.