Sunflower Honeydew


A Psychedelic Martiarical Poem in the Tune of a Male Heart in 4-Part Ancient Future Utopian Harmony of Wandering Spirits Making Awkward Pilgrimage to the MotherShip of the Great Goddess. 

by 2B.NQ

Your heart is a responsibility (full stop)…now read that again…

From the poet: 

For some reason, over the pandemic, I wrote this. As in, I just wrote it. Channel human. It is in many ways the combination of much of my thinking around feminism and gender, a mostly incomplete but nevertheless deeply meaningful account of a straight cis-gendered white male (ugh I know..) working some shit out on the page. I only write what is in my heart. This book is as much the result of years of living with and loving one of the top pornstars in the world as it is the result of a life deeply admiring powerful women, a life of listening as best I can. It hopes to make room for the Feminine within each.

Imperfect me.

At best, I hope people read this and contemplate it thoroughly. I hope it generates discussion, ones that humble me and point out my blind spits. At worst, I hope people burn this in the streets.

Give your mother a flower. Let’s do better.

Consider this an unrelated prologue. Why include it? Art is only explained by its own devices. And I am a poet. Unfold me.

Paperback | 52 pages | Public Access Anarchist Press | 2024

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