You’re So Sexy When You Aren’t Transmitting STI’s


By Isabella Rotman

This is a listing for the second edition of You’re So Sexy When You Aren’t Transmitting STIs.  This comic is usually 6.00, but available here for 5!

You’re So Sexy When You Aren’t Transmitting STI’s is a comprehensive comic book guide to sexual health. The book uses humor and the comic book format to reach out to adults and young adults about their sexual health, especially members of the LGBTQ community who may have difficulty finding sexual health resources. The book covers the following topics:

An introduction to Sexual Health
Lets Talk About It (how to talk about sex and the importance of consent)
Get Tested
Other People’s Bodily Fluids (how to protect yourself for STDs)
Some of Us Need Contraception (how to avoid pregnancy)
Check Yourself Out (a guide to testicular exams and breast exams)
Here are Some STDs (Brief information on common STDS)
Mystery in your underpants (Brief Information on some genital infections)

This book also comes with a condom glued (not stabled don’t worry) to the back cover. Which itself happens to be an instruction illustration for proper condom use. This book is not designed for young children.

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