Control Freaks


It’s the ultimate test for middle school friendships! 

by J.E. Thomas

Frederick Douglass Zezzmer already has his entire life figured out…and he’s only in middle school!

Doug’s going to be The World’s Greatest Inventor if he can just convince his Pops—a legendary Denver Broncos wide receiver—that science is just as important as sports.

So when Principal Yee announces an epic competition, Doug knows he has to win. But that won’t be easy! The competition doesn’t just include “unconventional” STEAM challenges. It also has (gulp) sports.

Even worse, it’s a team competition. And instead of being in a superstar group, Doug gets paired with four middle school misfits no one else wants.

Doug only has one week to turn his team of outcasts into winners … and maybe even friends. Will his legendary invention-making skills be enough?

Ages 8-12

Hardcover | 320 pages | Levine Querido | 2023

J.E. Thomas spent her early summers stuffing grocery bags with books at the local library, reading feverishly, then repeating the process week after week. So it’s not surprising that she thinks books + imagination are the best streaming service around.

J.E. is an award-winning writer with bachelor’s degrees in Mass Communications and Political Science and a master’s degree in Public Communications.

CONTROL FREAKS is her first book. She’s working on middle-grade book #2 and her debut YA novel. Fun fact: She includes the name of at least one of her dogs in every story.

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