

by Mohammed El-Kurd

“May these poems challenge and awaken you. May they shake you into action. May they help you find the words for what you already know to be true… These words remind me that home is a series of shared memories, not brick and mortar. Home is where we go to remember and revisit who we’ve always been. Mohammed El-Kurd’s poetry is a home returned to us.”
—Aja Monet, from the foreword

Each day after school, Mohammed El-Kurd’s grandmother welcomed him at the door of his home with a bouquet of jasmine. Her name was Rifqa—she was older than Israel itself and an icon of Palestinian resilience. With razor-sharp wit and glistening moral clarity, El-Kurd lays bare the brutality of Israeli settler colonialism. His poems trace Rifqa’s exile from Haifa to his family’s current dispossession in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem, exposing the cyclical and relentless horror of the Nakba. El-Kurd’s debut collection definitively shows that the Palestinian struggle is a revolution, until victory.

Paperback | 100 pages | Haymarket Books | 2021

Mohammed El-Kurd is a prominent Palestinian activist, journalist and poet who has achieved international prominence and iconic stature as an advocate for the Palestinian cause. He was hired in 2021 as the first-ever Palestine Correspondent by the prominent magazine The Nation, and has published articles and been interviewed in a wide array of mainstream media.

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